Goodbye diapers, HELLO UNDIES!
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- 14 / 06 / 2023

It’s potty training time, every child goes through it and so does every parent. It doesn’t have to be a time of dread and tears, just prepare yourself for a few puddles and a little bit of laundry and it won’t be long before you’re cheering that little bit of liquid in the potty!
It's really important that your child is ready to give up using diapers. If they are not, the process can become quite stressful for both you and your little one. As with all developmental stages it is only when your child is ready that success can be achieved. You may want to consider waiting if you have recently had a new baby, moved house or your child has started going to pre-school to avoid any added pressure.
Don't try to potty train by a certain date. Time pressure can cause you and your child unecessary stress.
If possible, it’s a good idea to start when the weather is warm. This means that your toddler can wear less clothing than normal and you may want to go diaper-free. In the early days, your child may not give you much notice before they are ready to use the potty so summer potty training makes the process simpler.
If your child is showing two or more of the following signs you may want to start your potty training journey.
- 1. Your toddler can stay dry for up to 2 hours or during a nap
- 2. They let you know when they need to go to the bathroom
- 3. They imitate your behavior and follow you to the bathroom
- 4. They're showing signs of independence by doing things themselves
- 5. They ask to be changed and dislike the feeling of being wet
It’s often good to stay at home for the first few days of potty training, making it much easier to clear up the occasional accident. To begin, familiarize your toddler with their potty, so let them carry it around with them during the day and involve the potty when playing. You could even sit them on the potty fully clothed and let them read a book or play. At first keep the potty within easy reach during your daily activities but once your child gets into the habit of using it, the potty can be left in the bathroom.
TIP: Put multiple potties in different rooms so your child can go wherever!
Routine is key in this process. Rather than waiting for your toddler to tell you when they need to go, you could try to sit your toddler on the potty at regular intervals during the day and especially after meal times to get them used to the idea. Ask your child regularly if they would like to use the potty, but take care not to overwhelm with questioning and look for signs in your child’s behavior that may indicate they need to use the potty.
Be ready for the occasional accident even when you think you have got it mastered. Carry spare clothing with you and always use potty training pants, especially for long trips when out and about. If you continue to have lots of accidents follow your instincts and be guided by your child. Perhaps take a step back and remember to praise the successes and reassure your child if there are any accidents.
If your child is potty training during the day, this may not mean they are automatically trained to get through the night. It could take up to two years for your child to stay completely dry at night time. Continue to use diapers at night and gradually move to potty training pants. Pop your child on the potty just before bedtime and as soon as they wake.
However, you may want to invest in a waterproof fitted mattress protector to shield their mattress of any accidents.
A potty training reward chart is an ideal way to reward your child and help them understand their potty training journey. Use stickers and place them on the chart or even to decorate their potty after every success.
Mimic their favorite toys using the potty to show them how it works and eliminate any fears they may have. Reading a potty related story can also prove successful to get your child engaged. Most importantly relax, stay calm and try to enjoy this new stage with your child. Your child will succeed eventually and those diaper days will soon be just a happy memory!
Choose the right essentials to make your journey easy peasy!
Perfect step away from diapers towards undies!
Lightweight and portable for quick reach without fuss
When it comes to choosing the right products to potty train like a pro, there are a few important things you should look for. Ensure that the products are easy to clean as you will be doing a lot of this and be sure that they are sturdy with non-slip surfaces to ensure the ultimate safety for your toddler.
Unlike diapers, potty training pants can be pulled up and down by your toddler and are the first step towards big-kid pants! Reusable potty training pants will contain little accidents saving outer clothes, socks and shoes from getting wet. But unlike disposable training pants they will not take the moisture away from the skin, giving your child the association of feeling wet with needing to use the toilet. Using potty training pants is a vital part of potty training as your child will notice the difference between wet and dry.